Undergraduate Degree Programs Educational Objectives
The educational objectives of the undergraduate degree program determined by taking into account the duties and responsibilities of the Department of Horticulture are listed below.
Undergraduate Program Educational Objectives
- In education, the aim is to train agricultural engineers who are environmentally sensitive, committed to sustainable agriculture principles, and who have the ability to access and synthesize information on production and cultivation.In terms of scientific research, it is to carry out basic research that has integrated with the field, will contribute to regional problems and development, and prioritizes innovations.
- In the field of horticulture, it is aimed to be a department that exhibits approaches that are sensitive to the problems of our region, region and country as well as universal problems, trains technical staff that are accepted nationally and internationally with the education it provides, and is recognized internationally with its research.
- To train agricultural engineers who are sensitive to the natural environment, society and people, who understand the importance of their profession for society, who have basic knowledge and application skills for the sector, who perceive the importance of lifelong learning, and therefore can follow and apply scientific and technological developments in the field of agriculture, who provide sound information to the sector/producers of the region and country, and who adopt a scientific way of thinking and working for the welfare of humanity.
Undergraduate Degree Programs Learning Outcomes
Undergraduate Degree Program Learning Outcomes
To have the basic information on horticulture and other agriculture engineering areas, describing the required data to solve the problems, to have the ability of gathering data and solving the problems by using information technology
To have theoretical and practical (land and laboratory) information on growing and breeding of fruits, vegetables, grapevine and ornamental plants, and to use and transfer these information accurately
To have the ability of determining and evaluating the source of the ecological, biological, technical and economical problems that negatively effects the sufficient yield and quality of horticultural crops
To have the skill of utilizing different techniques for sustainable usage and protection of genetic resources in horticultural area and environment
To have the ability of describing, classification and growing fruits, vegetables, grapevine and ornamental plants
To have the skill of establishing and operating orchards, greenhouses and vineyards
To have the information and ability on breeding horticultural crops, developing a new cultivar, and propagation of these new varieties by different methods (seed, seedling, and sapling)
To have the skill of using and applying biotechnology on horticulture
To have the information on good agricultural practices, and by the way, to decide the right time of cultural practices of the horticultural crops, and to have the ability of describing the pest and diseases of horticultural plants
To have the skill on observing the changes through harvest, post harvest, and storage of horticultural crops, and to have the information on storage conditions
To have the ability of getting the data on horticultural area, and evaluation, recording, project creation and application skills
To have the ability of working in individual, multiple and different disciplined teams, and having the responsibility